Phoebe fly through the air to catch insects.
Mallards have bright orange feet and quack.
The Anna's hummingbird drinks nectar from flowers and eats small insects.
Wood ducks whistle instead of a quack.
Coots have long toes with lobed edges, unlike a duck's webbed feet.
The 3-foot tall heron hunts in the shallow water for its prey.
This small heron hides amongst tree branches and tule at the water's edge.
The grebe dives underwater to catch prey such as fish and crawdads.
This song sparrow is commonly seen singing from low branches during the summer time.
Red-winged blackbirds are very vocal when they are flying through the air.
Honey bees were introduced from Europe.
This California bumblebee often visits California poppies.
Tule grows in wetlands around California and provides shelter for many species.
Willow trees grow in places with significant amounts of water.
The carp is an invasive species that was introduced from Asia.
The red-eared slider is an invasive species that was introduced from the eastern U.S.
The bullfrog is an invasive species that was introduced from the eastern U.S.