November 2019: Giving Thanks and Gratitude

Ohlone Basket
Ohlone Basket, circa 1885. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History Collections.

In this traditional time for reflection and gratitude, we continue to be grateful for the many people who connect with nature at the Museum, and those who find ways to carry our mission beyond our walls. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to honor Native American History Month through our school programs focused on native culture, and through exciting public programs including a lecture “American Indians 101” and seminar about American Indian Art, both lead by our esteemed board member, Dr. Rebecca Hernandez of the UCSC American Indian Resource Center.

As I write our Annual Report (keep an eye out in next month’s newsletter), and think about this year’s accomplishments, I am also considering the many triumphs and changes that the Museum has undergone in its 114 year history. In this season of reflection, I am excited to also keep my eyes set on future growth and renewal–natural processes that connect all of life. From innovations in programming, growth in our garden, and renewal in our spaces, I can’t wait to share what’s to come with you all!