Collections Close-Up: Taxonomy

The science of tying things together

Research appointments are the highlight of any given week in the collections department. Not only do we get to learn more about the ways our collections contribute to science, we get to see the process in action. Scientists and students bring their questions alongside various tools of the trade, from pencils to calipers to cameras. Paleontologist Chuck Powell travels with tupperwares of sand.

Chuck is a retired USGS scientist whose life’s work has focused on describing the geology and paleontology of the West Coast, with a special focus on Purisima Formation. His current project is a collaborative paper with four authors, including local fossil folks like Frank Perry and Wayne Thompson. The epic tome they are working on aims to describe all of the invertebrates of the Purisima Formation – a challenge given that new species are still being discovered. Leaving no specimen unturned, Chuck and his coauthors are visiting collections, both public and personal, across California. 

This kind of descriptive project takes an enormous effort and they have been at it for over 20 years already. It’s also an important part of taxonomy, or the branch of science concerned with the classification of organisms and their relationships. Digging into a drawer of ancient invertebrates, whether they are fossil ark clams or sand dollars, a taxonomist like Chuck starts by looking to confirm specimen identifications. One example of this is the pictured Miopleiona oregonensis specimen – while it has previously been described as being present in the Purisima, the three specimens in our collections are the first that Chuck has encountered, despite working on Purisima mollusks for decades and examining well over 700 collections.

However, he’s also looking to investigate and untangle our understanding of specimens with features that fall outside of the species identifications assigned to them — or even just to clear up confusion in the many names that a specimen can acquire over the years. For example, even after many west coast olivella snails (like Callianax biplicata, formally Olivella biplicata, whose shell has been commonly used by Indigenous peoples of the Central Coast for beadwork) were recognized as being in the genus Callianax, there was still a lot of confusion about which specimen names were valid. In 2020, Chuck and his coauthors pulled together the existing descriptions, evidence, and documentation for each name, clarifying its validity, and even providing a handy chart for identifying the four species in this genus we find on California beaches. 

If that sounds like a lot of very detailed work to keep tabs on taxonomy – you’re right.

“People think taxonomists do it on purpose,” Chuck notes. ”That we change the names just to be ornery.” But that’s far from the reality. Taxonomists like Chuck are passionate about the way these updated names give us new information that helps tie things together — to open up relationships between organisms and their environment that we might have otherwise overlooked.

The photographs that accompany these revised descriptions become significant scientific evidence in this process. Any images published for this purpose elevate the status of the pictured specimen to something called a “hypotype”, which then requires special protocols and protections.

Photography is also where the sand comes in. In addition to bringing these fossils full circle to an environment similar to that in which they were grown, the black or white sand is the ideal backdrop. It provides soft but even support that is easily edited out in post production, while being very responsive to whatever adjustments are needed to show off the significant features, or morphology of the specimen. 

Stay tuned for future updates on SCMNH specimens starring in paleontological publications. But don’t wait to dig further into the Purisima – USGS papers are freely available to the public, including these two dealing with the Purisima. Also available to the public this December are our geology and paleontology exhibits – outcropping briefly between our successful Seeds exhibit and our upcoming exhibition Pollinators: Keeping Company with Flowers.

Climate Stewardship: Taking Collective Action to Protect California with Adina Merenlender

Across California, communities are addressing wildfires, climate justice, urban heat islands, ocean temperature rise, and other climate issues in an effort to make natural, working, and urban landscapes more resilient. During this talk, author Adina Merenlender will share stories from her recently published book, Climate Stewardship: Taking Collective Action to Protect Californiawhich highlights the real work being done by everyday citizens throughout the state to address climate change.



About the Speaker

Adina Merenlender is a Cooperative Extension Specialist at University of California, Berkeley, and is an internationally recognized conservation biologist known for land-use planning, watershed science, landscape connectivity, and naturalist and stewardship training. She has authored more than 100 published works in the field of conservation science.

Merenlender started the California Naturalist Program and served as its founding director, which to date has graduated over 4,000 certified California Naturalists. Building on the success of this program, Merenlender helped start the first public education and service program on climate stewardship, including writing Climate Stewardship: Taking Collective Action to Protect California with Brendan Buhler. The two programs provide collective impact on ecological health through community and citizen science.

Museum of the Macabre 2021 Photos

November 2, 2021 — Big thanks to everyone who attended the return of Museum of the Macabre on Saturday, October 30! We are delighted to celebrate a favorite fall tradition with you and are already scheming up next year’s journey into the dark side of nature. Enjoy these photos from the event by Yvonne Falk:

PhotoBOOth 2021

On the Rocks: Marie Curie All

The safest way to drink radium is not to – and that’s exactly what this month’s Marie Curie All cocktail is all about.

While that seems obvious to us now, one hundred years ago the United States was overtaken by a radium craze. From medicines to makeup, performance art to packaging, people couldn’t get enough of this luminous substance. Today, you can still find antiques that irradiate, whether or not they maintain that iconic glow.

The fad was inspired in part by Nobel Laureate and scientist Marie Curie’s 1921 U.S. fundraising tour for her Radium Institute. Flashing vials of radium in solution was a favorite science communication method of Marie and Pierre Curie, who discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium in 1898. 

Radium, the most radioactive of all naturally occurring elements, showed great potential for unlocking the secrets of the atom. The scientific potential of their discovery did not stifle the timeless magic of good lighting; Marie described the duos’ lab looking as if it was full of “fairy lights” and took to sleeping with a vial of radium chloride’s soft blue glow at her bedside table. (for an up close and personal look at the scientists lives’, check out Lauren Redniss’ Radioactive). Refusing to patent any of their work, the Curies were especially excited about radium’s potential humanitarian applications, such as it’s capacity to kill off diseased tissue.

Of course, it also kills healthy tissue. Most famously, bodies of the watch dial painters at U.S. Radium Corporation starting around 1917. These Radium Girls were told that the “Undark” paint they used, a mixture of radium powder, zinc sulphide, and other elements, was safe. Even while their managers and scientists took various precautions, they encouraged their workforce to lick the end of the paint brushes for sharper lines. After a great deal of suffering and gaslighting, from radium rotted jaws to broken hips to doctors blaming their illnesses on syphilis, five of these women settled a lawsuit against US Radium in 1928. While too late to save them from radiation sickness, this case and it’s publicity helped inspire government initiatives for worker and consumer protections.

To carefully carry forward that soft green glow associated with commercial radium products as well as the Curie’s commitment to healthcare, this twist on a classic tropical cocktail avoids radiation AND includes an essential vitamin. Riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, fluoresces yellow under black light (a feature which today’s scientists are exploring as a safer way to track the spread of respiratory diseases).

Carefully mixed with blue curaçao, we get a fluorescent green to brighten, or perhaps Undark, your next spooky season happy hour.


  • 1.5 oz light rum
  • 1 oz blue curaçao liqueur
  • .5 oz ginger liqueur
  • 2 oz pineapple juice
  • .5 oz lemon juice
  • .5 oz orange juice
  • 1 oz cream of coconut
  • Pinch vitamin B2*


  1. Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker full of ice.
  2. Adjust B2 for color preference – a ratio of ¼ of a 100 mg supplement per 1 oz blue curacao keeps things softly green. 
  3. Pour in a tall glass, tiki or tom collins style, and garnish with pineapple wedge and cherries. 

*According to the NIH, “Intakes of riboflavin from food that are many times the RDA have no observable toxicity, possibly because riboflavin’s solubility and capacity to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract are limited . . . The limited data available on riboflavin’s adverse effects do not mean, however, that high intakes have no adverse effects, and the FNB urges people to be cautious about consuming excessive amounts of riboflavin [3].”

Explore minerals that can kill in our Rockin’ Pop Up and be sure to join us for this year’s Museum of the Macabre where we’ll explore deadly plants, potions, and poisons.

6/4 Nature Club: Moore Creek Preserve and Summer Startup

Kick off the beginning of summer with an awesome visit to the Moore Creek Preserve, exploring different communities found in one of our best local habitats during this month’s Nature Club for 6th-8th graders. Birds, deer, coyotes, rabbits, and much more call this place home and we will learn all about the adaptations they need to survive in this environment.

Saturday, June 4 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Moore Creek Preserve
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks are strongly recommended for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

Scholarships available!

5/7 Nature Club: Exploring the Tide Pools at Natural Bridges

The tide pools at Natural Bridges are some of the best in Santa Cruz and they are teeming with living creatures during this month’s Nature Club for 6th-8th graders. Explore tide pools and nearby coastal prairie habitat and learn about the amazing plants and animals that live there.

Saturday, May 7 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Natural Bridges State Beach
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks are strongly recommended for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

Scholarships available!

4/2 Nature Club: Neary Lagoon – A Living Nursery

Springtime at Neary Lagoon means one thing – baby waterbirds! Neary Lagoon is home to lots of newly hatched bird life, and we can observe hatchling ducks, grebes, coots, and more as they paddle around and swim. The Museum will provide binoculars for each participant during this month’s Nature Club for 6th-8th graders.

Saturday, April 2 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Neary Lagoon
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks will be required for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

Scholarships available!

3/5 Nature Club: Arana Gulch, Santa Cruz Harbor, & Spring Wildflowers

Spring wildflowers abound at Arana Gulch! We will explore the 63 acre open space observing wildlife, exploring forests and fields, and walking around the adjacent Santa Cruz Harbor to look for marine and avian wildlife. The Museum will provide binoculars for each participant.

Saturday, March 5 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Arana Gulch
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes middle school explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks will be required for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

2/5 Nature Club: Finding Fungus at DeLaveaga

We will explore the forests and trails of DeLaveaga Park looking for a kingdom of life best viewed in the winter: fungi! The great variety of trees in these forests supports a huge amount of fungal life. Learn more about the amazing decomposers and how they support their ecosystems!

Saturday, February 5 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: DeLaveaga Park
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks will be required for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

Scholarships available!

Explore our other Fungus February events, supported by the Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz and Far West Fungi Santa Cruz.

1/8 Nature Club: Museum Deep Dive

Explore collections and specimens from the Museum that do not always get to be seen by the public. The Museum’s extensive collection of fossils, shells, and animal specimens allow us to investigate nature up close and personal.

Saturday, November 6 | 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Museum of Natural History
Ages: 6th-8th grade
$10 |$5 Museum MembersRegister

What is Nature Club?

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.

What to Expect

Programs run from 10:00 a.m -12:30 p.m. and occur on the first Saturday of the month. The Museum does not provide transportation to offsite meeting spots, and participants should be dropped off and picked up by parents/guardians. Some programs may be physically rigorous so please email if you have questions about trail accessibility. Programs occur rain or shine, barring extreme weather.


Nature Club will run in compliance with state and county guidance for health and safety. Masks will be required for all participants, regardless of vaccination status. Participants should not attend if they have been coughing, have a fever, or had recent contact with someone with a positive test.

Scholarships available!