Take the plunge into the interactive world of our intertidal touch pool exhibit, which has provided visitors with an intimate look at the interior world of the sea outside our doors for decades.
Museum staff explore the history of these hands-on exhibits, from beachside Victorian tubs to today’s collecting permits. We further investigate the care of these seaworthy collections, including the practical challenges of creating intertidal conditions, and their special capacity to connect people to nature.
- Collections Close-Up blog, In Touch with Tide Pools
- More on the history of the Victorian Pioneers of Aquaria
- Phillip Henry Gosse’s “The Aquarium: An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea”
- Tide Chart for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Bay area
- Aquarium advice forum for hobbyists
- Snapshot Cal Coast December 2020 project
- Tidepooling Tips from Hilltromper
About the series: Zoom into the stories, secrets, and science of our collections during monthly webinars with Collections Manager Kathleen Aston. This live event is an extension of our monthly Collections Close-Up blog, with added insights and intrigue. Members are invited to participate in this program before it is made available to the general public as well as ask questions directly of Kathleen.
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